AWEX introduced the repair and re-use of nylon wool packs, as an initiative aimed at helping reduce the packaging costs for wool growers. Registered repairers are to meet AWEX standards on the types of packs to be repaired as well as the quality of repairs. Each pack may be re-used once only because the original branding and grab samplings result in only two sides of a wool pack being available for use on a second occasion. Also, the repeated stressing of the pack fabric, during pressing and handling, diminishes the original fabric characteristics. The collection, repair and distribution of these packs will be undertaken commercially by the pack repairers.

This standard does not allow for the washing of the used packs. Washing can affect the characteristics of the pack, in particular the anti slip coating. If the anti slip coating was washed off this could change the fabric characteristics and make the packs dangerous to handle.

Nylon packs repaired by registered repairers must carry special identification and are then available for growers to use in the presentation of their wool. These repaired packs would also be clearly identified in auction catalogues.

The move by growers to nylon packs has received strong and broad support from customers of Australian wool. At a meeting of the International Wool Textile Organization, members acknowledged the move as a positive step in protecting and enhancing the reputation of Australian wool.

Wool Sold in Repaired Packs

AWEX Members must identify at the time of sale all lots comprising in part or total, wool packed in AWEX Approved Repaired Wool Packs. These lots require a "V" Catalogue Symbol (Repaired Nylon packs - Complete lots or lots that contain both new and repaired nylon packs only), to correctly identify the nature of their packaging to the end users of the wool.

For more information on Repaired Wool Packs, please contact AWEX on (02) 9428 6140 or emailĀ