Recent Updates

Office Locations
AWEX office locations with map links more >>

Annual Wool Selling Programs
The 2024-25 Wool Selling Program has been released. more >>

Mulesing Status
AWEX issues 4 generic statistical reports, updated monthly, summarising the number of bales offered at auction by Mulesing Status more >>

The summary of outcomes from the recent meeting on the 2nd of December 2024 are now available more >>


Members' Update
AWEX Appoints AUS-MEAT as On-Farm Auditors for its Sustainability & Integrity Programs. more >>

AWEX Updates
The Q2 2024-25 copy of the AWEX quarterly updates has been issued more >>

NWD Test & Auction Data
The December 2023 NWD Test & Auction Data has been issued. more >>

National Wool Declaration (NWD)
To enable woolgrowers wishing to promote to downstream users the evolving changes in their animal welfare practices, there is a need for a standardised declaration method. This is the function of the National Wool Declaration (NWD). more >>


           Current Offering Estimates

Sale Week North South West Nat
T-W 34* 11,180 25,240 7,656 44,076
35 10,540 20,537 7,000 38,077
36 10,410 19,248 6,950 36,608
37 8,930 19,830 7,050 35,810
*Denotes current sale week
Offering Estimates measured in bales
Click here for more statistics

                                                   AWEX Eastern Market Indicator.