Recent Updates

Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme (AWSS)
The Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme (AWSS) connects Australian wool growers with brokers, buyers, processors and brands from around the world who share a common vision - of a wool industry that can celebrate and specify the highest standards of sustainability, integrity, and clip preparation, using technology to improve efficiency and enable traceability. Developed for and owned by the Australian wool industry through the Australian Wool Exchange Ltd (AWEX), the Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme provides credible, digital traceability from farm to first stage processing, and means on-farm practices have been adopted and can be verified for responsible environmental stewardship, wellbeing of the sheep, care for people, customers, community and industry and high-quality wool preparation standards. The scope of AWSS covers on-farm sustainability performance focused on demonstrating: - the responsible stewardship of natural resources, - health and wellbeing of sheep, - care for people, customers and communities, - vitality and resilience of industry, - quality clip preparation, data integrity and traceability. The Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme offers two types of certification: SustainaWOOL and ResponsiWOOL. Both meet the same sustainability standards across the board and differ only in one aspect of caring for sheep, which is breech modification status for flystrike risk management. This allows the Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme to be inclusive of different wool production systems in Australia, whilst importantly having clear separation for customers for whom purchasing non-mulesed wool is important. more >>

NWD Test & Auction Data
The December 2023 NWD Test & Auction Data has been issued. more >>

Mulesing Status
AWEX issues 4 generic statistical reports, updated monthly, summarising the number of bales offered at auction by Mulesing Status more >>

Fees and Charges
AWEX Fees and Charges for 2024-25 have been released more >>


Version 37.2 of the WIEDPUG Handbook is available to download now and will come into affect in August 2024 more >>

Annual Wool Selling Programs
The 2024-25 Wool Selling Program has been released. more >>

AWEX Staff
Directory of all AWEX staff more >>

An update has been made to the standard printed catalogue standard (Australia) reflecting the changes associated with publishing a Last Weighed Date (for untested wool). more >>


           Current Offering Estimates

Sale Week North South West Nat
T-W 3* 12,565 17,819 0 30,384
4 11,782 18,508 5,329 35,619
5 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
*Denotes current sale week
Offering Estimates measured in bales
Click here for more statistics

                                                   AWEX Eastern Market Indicator.