The Code of Practice for the preparation of Australian Wool Clips (COP) is an Australian industry document that describes the recommended practices and standards to which wool should be prepared.

The COP aspires to three objectives:

1. To prepare uniform, consistent, reliable, predictable, low risk lines of wool suitable for the diverse needs of wool processing; and thus maximise competition,
2. To present a product free of contamination; that is
3. Correctly documented, described and packaged.

The Code of Practice is one component of the AWEX Quality Wool System. Wool offered for auction sale is audited by AWEX Clip Inspectors to determine lines of wool that fall below the minimum standard. Wool classers that prepare lines of wool that significantly fail one or more of the criteria described in the three objectives will be subject to corrective action processes.

Registered Wool classers that prepare lines at or above the COP standard will apply a registered Wool classerID (stencil) to the bales.

The Code of Practice is reviewed every three years. The current version of the Code of Practice is effective from January 2019.

Readers seeking a copy of the Code of Practice should contact The Wool classer Registrar on 02 9428 6100 or email