This search can be used to test if a Wool Classer is currently registered to be able to class wool in Australia.  Please follow the steps below to validate a Wool Classer.

Step 1: Enter the Wool Classer stencil number. Do not put the category (MC, AW or OC) at the start of the stencil number.
Step 2: Enter the last name of the Wool Classer, make sure you include any punctuation if required (e.g. O'Brien).
Step 3: Click the tick box "I'm not a robot". You may be prompted to validate that you are not a robot by picking a valid selection of images.
Step 4: Click the "search" button.

You will receive one of the following responses from the search:

1. No matching results (This means the stencil number and surname entered do not match any Wool Classers in the AWEX system)
2. Wool Classer is Registered
3. Wool Classer is Unregistered
4. Wool Classer is not registered to class (This means the Wool Classer is registered as a Classer Associate and is unable to class wool)

Last Name