AWEX Mulesing Status Certificates

MS Certificates are undertaken on behalf of exporters and users of Australian wool, to verify that the Mulesing Status (MS) of sale lots in a processing consignment are correct.  To produce a MS Certificate, AWEX checks the purchased Brands/Lots of a processing consignment against Desk Audit Results, NM/CM Inspections and AA/LN Verifications. To supplement these procedures, the historical declarations for a Brand may be checked in the wool sale database and an updated Classer’s Speci/NWDs requested from the broker. 

It is preferable that exporters submit their MS Certificate request(s) as early as possible prior to shipping so any Non Compliant Brands (Lots) can be removed (and replaced, if required) from the consignment while it is still in Australia.  This is less costly to the Exporter compared to removing a lot(s) once the consignment has arrived overseas at the processing mill.

MS Certificates are available on a fee for service basis (see below).

How to request an AWEX Mulesing Certificate

Download the Exporter MS Request form (see below).  Exporters should complete as much detail listed in the spreadsheet as possible and return it to  Please send the Excel file itself (not a pdf) as this will allow AWEX to put the information in the correct format.   

Exporter MS Request Form

Fees and Charges for AWEX MS Certificate

Certificates (GST Inclusive Prices) Members Non-Members
Mulesing Status (MS) and Wool Production of Origin (WPO)    
Base Fee + a per lot fee    
Base Fee $34.87 $44.00
- Per auction lot $0.97 $1.21
- Per non-auction lot $3.38 $4.22