AWEX Market Information Services provides a range of industry market reports based on daily, weekly, monthly, and annual cycles.  These reports provide relevant, timely and accurate pictures of the wool market both instantaneously and historically.  The reports provide information that is used as the benchmark on the Australian Wool Market around the world.  

AWEX Market reports can be accessed in a number of ways:

  1. AWEX Online Web site – premium product delivering real-time access and standard reports.
  2. Email – daily & weekly market reports delivered to your inbox.
  3. SMS – short daily text summary for those on the move.

Subscription fees to AWEX Market Reports by the various delivery methods outlined above can be found in the current price schedule.  Further details of the AWEX Market Reports available in the online packages can be viewed in the product matrix while examples of the various reports can be found at the AWEX Reports page.

For more information on Market Information products, policies or subscriptions please contact AWEX on (02) 9428 6130 or email