Do I have to buy labels for my wool packs?
No. The labels are bought by the wool pack manufacturer and sewn on at the time the pack is made.

How do I put all the necessary information on the bale label?
The label has spaces for Farm Brand, Wool Description, Bale Number, Woolclasser Stencil Number and Bin Code. Each registered Woolclasser has an official classer's stamp to imprint their number on the bale. All other information should be marked on the bale label with a black permanent-marking pen or black stamp.

Can growers use stamps on the label?
Growers may also have their own farm brand stamp made and use it, as long as the brand fits in the space designated for Farm Brand (260mm x 63mm) on the label and permanent stamp ink is used. Growers must ensure that any farm brand stamp must be of a size that maximises the space provided so it can be easily read by handlers in a wool warehouse as the head of the bale is the primary source of bale identification when stacked.

Growers could even pre-stamp the labels on the packs before use, with the farm brand and bale number, either for the days shearing or the whole shearing. Again this would speed things up in the shed and eliminate bale-numbering errors, especially duplicate numbers.

Do I have to use the label?
The use of the label is recommended. Woolclassers must also brand the face of the bale. The label should also be used for wool going to bulkclass.

Do I use the label on wool packed for bulk classing or reclassing?
All contents of a bulk class bale should be documented on the bale flap or by using the Bulk Class Slip found in the Code of Practice. The contents should also be recorded in the wool book and woolclassers' specification.
The AWEX Code of Practice outlines how these bales should be marked.

What about repaired packs?
All approved repaired packs carry the AWEX bale label. Repaired packs that do not carry this label cannot be used for packaging greasy wool.